Sesame Token

Sesame is a decentralize social food network which is powered by blockchain technology. It is designed to create socialized global food delivery marketplace and developed collaboratively by using blockchain technology. By today technology is growing fast, most of areas uses automation and digitalization for improve their areas. After developing of blockchain technology there is a big changing of world. Sesame token use this technology for make interaction between shops delivers and peoples in food network. According to the research food ordering is used by people often. Always people are finding their easy and smart. Normally people like to order something by searching their phones and simple taping. Because of those by today global food delivery and ordering is stand 95.64USD Billion which 1% of total food market.
When considering the startup investment statics food delivery, most of the investors tend to invest in this market because food is essential part of the all lives. In 2018 3.5$ Billion has invested in food and grocery market. In bellow graphs you can see popular food companies and their investment in food.

Blockchain Technology

All the transactions of bitcoin excecated by blockchain technology and it is a public ledger. It is growing constant by mining of block. This technology is being increasingly used for financial transaction and cross border payments. It helps to secure payments and keep customer identities of banking and financial sector. Most of the financial technology companies are planning to invest I blockchain technology because the blockchain technology is directly affected to banking and financial technology. There fore the market of blockchain are positively growing. Also, there are several advantages of blockchain technology transaction, those are low transaction cost and less time consumption. This technology have some threats in lack of awareness of regulations.

Blockchain in Food Delivery

Blockchain occurs more improvement in food delivery. In sesame platform no need customer complaints if the food is not delivery on time the system will refund, therefore the system is more reliable. This system will increase efficiency by using fleet management and artificial intelligence and machine learning. Due to No fakes and scams gain loyalty. There are many facilities in sesame token toll. Those are smart wallet, digital ID service, product origin authentication, crypto payment processing, customizable platform.

There are may advantages of this platform,

Because of the on-time delivery and before expiry delivery it helps to eliminate food wastage. In real world existing food stores and restaurants did not use delivery services, by creating this service Connect food sellers and buyers perfectly. Small business cannot conduct properly and trusted way. By using this platform small business can promote their business by sesame. As well as food tracking is most important in day to day busy life.

We can list some features of Sesame,

Safe and secure
Track food
Built seller reputation
Publish food inventories and consumptions
Dedicated backend office
Rate sellers


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